Make customer success
your revenue center

Data and insights driven by AI that helps your customer success team generate revenue, engage customers better and identify churn.

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Revenue teams at top brands trust MeetRecord

23% Faster onboarding for your customers

Align sales and CS on the client requirements. Plan the best and the fastest way to onboard customers based on the customer requirements shared across sales and CS conversations.
Keep track of all customer requirements to make sure onboarding is faster and efficient.
Use data to speed up sales - CS alignment and assist in efficient handover of client accounts.
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“No other solution offers material ways to help remote CS and sales teams improve like MeetRecord."

Aaron Surloff

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Create upsell opportunities

Use AI to analyze calls and understand customer requirements. Keep track of product feedback and feature requests using trackers, creating upsell opportunities for your CS team.
Use Keyword trackers and smart trackers to understand customer asks and find upsell opportunities.
Drive collaboration using MeetRecord’s messaging integration and snippet sharing features.

Coach your CS team

Use AI to analyze calls and give actionable feedback to your CSMs to drive better performance of the customer review calls.

Create call libraries & coaching programs to track progress and objectively score calls or get AI to score them for you.
AI driven objective feedback to help your CS reps improve performance.
Create coaching programs and call libraries to train and onboard your reps faster.
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Dashboard mockup

Identify red flags and early churn indicators

Use keyword trackers to find early churn indicators. Combine calls from MeetRecord and usage data from your CS tool to predict and mitigate churn risks.
Track customer engagement in review meetings.
Set alert for meetings where customer shows dissatisfaction.

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