Deal Health Score

Deal Heath Score is derived by calculating the weighted sum of all over 75 CRM, email, call parameters, and anecdotes detected in the deal. 
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Effective Decision-Making at Every Deal Stage

As the deal progresses, the health score and weights are re-calculated. 

A range of 70+ shows the deal is healthy and has an excellent potential to be won, whereas a score of 40 - 70 leads to a neutral ground where the deal has equal chances of winning or losing. Finally, scores below 40 lead to a negative impact. 

Important factors that influence the deals score:


MeetRecord checks for anecdotes or phrases in the conversation.

Each Anecdote is a tested rule defined according to how it impacts a deal like moving it - positively, negatively, or cold. Anecdotes are determined based on hundreds of scenarios where the deal is won, lost, or stuck.

Their weights assignment dynamically updates the health score of a deal.
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Conversation Stats

MeetRecord tracks conversation stats —Interactivity Score, Talk-listen ratio, Number of Questions asked by the sales rep, and Pause time — to determine the effectiveness and engagement of meetings in the deal.

Deal Timelines

MeetRecord checks if the deal, stage, and communication timelines are adhered to properly.

For instance, if no communication has happened over 3 weeks for a deal in the pricing stage, the solution will raise a warning flag.
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