Deal Recommendations

Get pinpointed recommendations and guidance to progress deals forward.

MeetRecord analyzes over 75 CRM, email and call parameters and anecdotes detected in the deal.
Dashboard mockup

Positive patterns

MeetRecord checks for anecdotes or phrases in the conversation.

Each Anecdote is a tested rule defined according to how it impacts a deal, like moving it - positively, negatively, or cold.

Positive patterns include prospects agreeing with the value proposition, pricing, asking more profound questions on the product, and so on.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Negative or Ghosting Patterns

MeetRecord tracks conversation stats —Interactivity Score, Talk-listen ratio, Number of Questions asked by the sales rep, and Pause time — to determine the effectiveness and engagement of meetings in the deal.

AI checks if the customer is dissatisfied with the experience, exploring alternative solutions, mentioned it is not their priority, and so on.

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