
Automated, up-to-date, and filtered playlist of your team's calls and snippets, curated effortlessly to keep pace with your dynamic business environment.
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Radio Station of your sales calls

Harness the power of data-driven decision-making to elevate your revenue strategy.

Automate Coaching Library

Traditional playlists or coaching folders often need to catch up due to the manual effort required for curation and maintenance.

Streams feature transcends these limitations and ensures your playlist is always current and relevant.
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Dashboard mockup

Continuous Learning

Operating seamlessly on the backend, Streams filter your team's calls based on specified criteria, presenting you with a tailored selection of relevant recordings.

Make essential calls accessible, promoting continuous learning and skill development within your team.

Listen on the Go

Whether commuting, traveling or simply away from a computer, sales professionals can stay connected with insights and calls.
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See MeetRecord live in action!

Get in-depth visibility into your sales conversations. Rated 4.8 on G2.

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