
Accelerate understanding of market trends and customer interactions with Trackers.

Dashboard mockup

Understand Customers Pulse

Harness the power of data-driven decision-making to elevate your revenue strategy.

Keyword Trackers

Track keywords such as product feature names, competitor names, or any watchwords relevant to their business.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Mandatory Trackers

Enable teams to verify the adherence to prescribed scripts and ensure consistency in communication.

Smart Trackers

Get a dynamic snapshot of emerging themes and discussions.

Allow sales teams to proactively track and adapt to shifting market trends, ensuring a nimble and informed approach to customer interactions.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Market Intelligence

Users can analyze which trackers are trending across their recorded calls, whether focused on product features or competitors.

This market intelligence equips teams with the knowledge needed to refine revenue strategies, capitalize on emerging trends, and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

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Get in-depth visibility into your sales conversations. Rated 4.8 on G2.

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